About MFC3 Media

MFC3 Media is a full-service media agency specializing in editorial/digital content; graphic/creative design; social media management; spiritual empowerment and more. We also assist entrepreneurs, nonprofits and small businesses with their PR/marketing, event planning/promotions and multimedia needs.
Years experience
Projects Completed
Years Leadership


In order to help you grow your business, I – along with carefully selected experts – can provide you with and/or advise you in the following areas. Click HERE to see a comprehensive list of the type of work and projects I've assisted others with in the past.
Content Creation
From writing and editing to storytelling to conceptualizing copy, I am able to help you convey the message you are wanting for your print/digital projects.
Creative Design
Photos. Graphics. Multimedia. People see with both their minds and their hearts and a strong visual makes a positive and long-lasting impact.
Social Media
Whether you are an individual, startup, small business or nonprofit, making sure your message is conveyed via one or more social media platforms is key to reaching a broader audience.
Digital Learning
We live in a digital world and many are absent from it due to the inability to understand how to best navigate it. I provide one-on-one and small group courses to teach you the basics and beyond.
PR/Publicity/ Marketing
Your presence to the world is important in growing your business, talents and/or brand – regardless if it is a small or large audience. I know how to help make your presence known.

Et Cetera

MFC3 Media may be my name, but using my gifts and talents to spread a different message also is my game! LEARN MORE HERE ...

Contact MFC

And I will get in touch as soon as possible
Phone: 510.879.7060