shades Magazine was founded in 1998 by Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig. With a dream of creating a news publication that would serve Women of Color and underrepresented communities, and to set-up an organization where these women could find support in achieving their goals, Fitzhugh-Craig spent several years working to make her dream a reality.
Exceptional Women in Publishing was founded in 1998 by a group of women working mainly in magazine publishing. EWIP is a non-profit organization formed around two goals in mind: To educate, empower and support women in publishing and to educate, empower and support women and girls through the power of publishing.
‘When Mission is Your Message’ during Our Stories | Our World – 2018 Exceptional Women in Publishing Conference & Dinner
From left: Craig/Gonzalez Wedding I/March 24, 2018/Phoenix, AZ; Martin/Kidd Wedding/Sept. 7, 2019/Mesa, AZ; Wirth/Vassar Wedding/March 8, 2014/Phoenix, AZ/Credit: Blue Hills Photography; Sledge/Ward Wedding/May 3, 2014/Oakland, CA/Credit: Clearly From Heaven Photography
An ordained minister with the Universal Life Church since 2007, Michelle Fitzhugh-Craig has been blessed to officiate over several weddings and special services.
Stan Lee Memorial – July 24, 2019
“When it comes to overseeing weddings and civil unions, I don’t take my role lightly,” said Fitzhugh-Craig, who goes by “Rev. MFC. “When a couple asks me to perform and bless their ceremony, it is important to understand this is more than a gathering of family and friends – it also is about bringing two physical bodies and spiritual souls together for a lifetime of happiness, joy and unconditional love.”
Fill out form above to get more information about officiant services.
For information on Event Planning Services CLICK HERE.
A moment in time …
Five years later … #RIP Dad …
In the early 1950s, Anderson E. Fitzhugh became intrigued with taking photographs after leaving his childhood home of Macon, Georgia, joining the U.S. Air Force and embarking on journeys that took him around the world. That love for capturing a small fraction of time passed on to each of his four children, however, my passion to produce visual narratives only became strong recently … following my father’s death in 2014. I’m still a happy slave to the written word, but my desire and need to click away when I see something that moves me in some way continues to blossom.
You can check out the results of my visual inspirations and the unique and beautiful “moments” that inspire me on Pinterest.